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What is Jesus?

               What is JESUS? Jesus asked a similar question in the Bible when he said “who do the people say I am?” (Matt 16:13). My name is Elijah, my name means “My God is Yahweh” which holds true for me; that the God of the Bible is my God. But what do the names of Jesus say He is?

Telling Names of Jesus

               Jesus is called the Alpha and the Omega (the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet). He is the beginning and the end. Colossians 1:16-17 says that all things were created by him in heaven and on earth! All things exist because of Him. In Revelation 11:15 it says that in the end times, Jesus will rule over all, forever. Now that we see that by this name that Jesus was not only a man on earth but God. This name says that He was at the creation of the world, that He will be the ruler of all at the end of this age. No man could be or do this unless He was God. This God, this man named Jesus, knows you and knows you well. "Whatever troubles us is completely within His knowledge and power." Who is Jesus by Paul Kent P.9. Jesus, the Alpha and Omega is God. He has always been and always will be. But even more than that, He cares for us. That is why He came to earth. Which is where we will be heading next.

                Jesus is called Baby in a manger. Most have heard of the amazing history of Jesus' birth. In the book of Luke (chapter 1), we learn that Jesus was given to Mary even though she was a virgin. This is incredible, but you would think that Jesus, being God, would come as a prince or at least in a rich family! Nope. He came in with a poor family. We can know this by the type of sacrifice they gave. Colossians 1:16 tells us that He is a humbled king. He created all things but chose to be humbled. This virgin birth allowed Him to be what we never could be. The Last Adam.

                Jesus is called the Last Adam by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:45. In Genesis, we learn of the creation of Adam and Eve to whom we are all sons and daughters. They sinned against God and started the chain of sin that is passed down from every father to every son, and mother to every daughter. Paul takes the opportunity to point out that Jesus is not the son of Adam but a new Adam. One who is not a son of Adam lived a perfect life, who did not sin against God. We learn a lot about sacrifice in the Old Testament and that sin requires sacrifice, in the same way, that breaking the law in our country requires justice. For this reason, Jesus came to this earth to live a perfect life, understanding our temptations but did not sin in them. Jesus, the last Adam chose to die on the Cross (1 Peter 2:24) as the ultimate and last sacrifice for those who will have faith in Him. Jesus, the last Adam, came because there is a crime that must be paid for. We know from scripture that there are 2 ways that your sins can be paid for: (1) you pay it by going to hell for eternal judgment because of your sin, or (2) give your life to the Jesus in faith knowing that He is the only way it can be paid and you go to heaven.

               Though God is a just God and will deal with sin justly, He is also full of mercy and desires to share His mercy, His way. Many of us want His mercy our way. That is not how we buy our iPhones, we want them, so we do it their way. God, being just, must give punishment for sin. But He gives you a choice of how you want to pay it. Either with your life in eternal judgment in Hell or with your life given over to Him in faith knowing that Jesus is the only way that your sins can be paid forever and you have eternity in Heaven with God.

                I would love to have a conversation with you about this if you want to know more about how you can be saved. If you have questions or don’t know what to do. Call me at 304-314-2707.

I gave my life to Jesus years ago and it was the best decision I have ever made. It didn’t make all of life perfect, but I now have someone to walk this hard life with that will never leave me or forsake me.

                Jesus can do this for you. He is also called Savior. We have all sinned (Rom 3:23) and justice for that sin is death in Hell for all those who do not call on Jesus for their salvation (Rom 6:23). Jesus says in John 10:30 that He and God are one. Jesus is God, the one dishing out the justice for the crime, but also the one willing to pay for the crime He did not commit. That was the Cross. He died on the cross to pay for sins for all that will truly call on His name for salvation. He did this in time past to demonstrate His love toward us while we were still sinners against God (Rom 5:8). Romans 10:13 says that anyone who calls upon the Lord will be saved. So how do you do that? First choose, that this is not just words you say, but an honest desire to give your life to God because you recognize that you have sinned against a holy God. That you have no way to pay for your sins on your own and get into heaven by yourself. That Jesus is the Son of God, who is God. That He lived on earth and died on the cross to pay your crime and then rose from the dead! That you want to live your life for Jesus. Second, pray for what you just chose. Cry out to God about your sin and ask Him and pay your crimes for you. That you believe that He is God, He died for you, rose again, and that you are giving your life to Him. If you prayed that and meant it, you can know this, Romans 10:13 that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved! Please give me a call and tell me about this! I am so excited for you! 304-314-2707

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